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Cross shaped icons

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Cross shaped icons

Cross shaped Icons, hand-painted and screen printed icons with different origins: Russia, Romania and Greece. All these items are entirely handmade by orthodox master craftsmen, following the strict rules of the Byzantine iconography; they are therefore unique and rare. If you need further information please do not hesitate to write to customerservice@holyart.co.uk or call +39 0522 1722250.

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    Cross shaped icons

    Cross shaped Icons, hand-painted and screen printed icons with different origins: Russia, Romania and Greece. All these items are entirely handmade by orthodox master craftsmen, following the strict rules of the Byzantine iconography; they are therefore unique and rare. If you need further information please do not hesitate to write to customerservice@holyart.co.uk or call +39 0522 1722250.

    Veronica | 5/27/2024
    They delivered it and I just opened it and everything is overwhelmingly gorgeous!!!!! The crosses...
    Teddy | 5/20/2024
    My delivery just arrived. Thank you for your lovely help, and the vigil lamps are perfect! I will...
    Hamilton | 3/27/2024
    Good afternoon, I just wanted to let you know that the order has just arrived safely, and is...