Liturgical Accessories

"Church goods" is divided into many subcategories: Church furniture, Thuribles and boats, cruets, altar bells, candelabras, candle holders, Vigil Lights, reliquaries, mass kit for the celebration, Chalices patens Ciboria, Baptism set, chrism, ewer and basins for the manuterge, various liturgical objects, Via Crucis, liturgical Texts and more.

On the occasion of the Jubilee Pilgrims of Hope, you can find an entire department dedicated to Jubilee items for churches and Jubilee vestments, such as Jubilee chasubles and Jubilee stoles.

Michelle | 8/1/2024
HI Just want to say a big thank you to you and Holyart. The candlestand arrived today and...
| 7/30/2024
just want to say thank you to all at Holyart- found this website when searching for bits and...
Martin | 7/25/2024
Thank you so very much. I can't believe the statue has arrived in only 2 days! Unbelievable! How...