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Japanese essential Oil (30 ml), Camaldoli

Model: CA004004
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Camaldoli Japanese Oil is a versatile, precious product which can be used as a natural remedy to treat various problems such as stiff neck and infections of the respiratory tracts, throat and teeth. It is a natural product containing eucalyptus, menthol, camphor, mint and other herbs which are mixed by the Camaldoli monks according to ancient recpies. Camaldoli Japanese oil is very useful during the winter season to relax muscles, while some drops of Japanese oil in a bowl containing hot water c...

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Camaldoli Japanese Oil is a versatile, precious product which can be used as a natural remedy to treat various problems such as stiff neck and infections of the respiratory tracts, throat and teeth. It is a natural product containing eucalyptus, menthol, camphor, mint and other herbs which are mixed by the Camaldoli monks according to ancient recpies. Camaldoli Japanese oil is very useful during the winter season to relax muscles, while some drops of Japanese oil in a bowl containing hot water can help against cold and sore throat. Avoid contact with eyes.

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I really like this oil. It is very good to have a nice massage when you are tired or have any physical problems such as muscle pain, cold, stuffy nose, etc.


Ottimo! Acquistato anni fa a Camaldoli ora l'ho ricomprato x me e consigliato a varie persone che ne hanno tratto beneficio. A Camaldoli mi avevano consegnato pure un foglio con la descrizione dei vari benefici che arreca e come usarlo. Ne faccio un riassunto: nevralgie, dolori muscolari e articolari, lombagine, reumatismi, sciatica, mal di testa, emicrania, stress, raffreddore, raucedine, asma, naso chiuso... Ha un effetto immediato e molle volte risolutivo. Prodotto consigliatissimo.


Ottimo prodotto per massaggi su contratture, torcicollo. Io aggiungo anche qualche goccia nelle vaschette umidificatrici dei termosifoni


Ottimo prodotto, molto utile anche pr dare sollievo ai piedi ed idratarli.


Olio ottimo prezzo molto competitivo e come sempre consegnato nei tempi previsto davvero consigliato


Ho provato subito l’olio ha un profumo intenso e delicato con la pelle. Efficace come prodotto. Pacco ben curato, corriere cortese e puntuale.

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